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To order:
Online: Click to shop IMPAPER Wholesale
Faire: Click to shop IMPAPER on Faire
Catalog: Click here to view our latest catalog
Order Form: Download order form
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Product Listing Images
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Swap Out Program: Any slow movers you'd like to exchange? Your success is our success, let us know!
If you need assistance such as recommendations or have any concerns, issues, feedback, or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out; we'd be happy to help.
Hello there!
We hope you're having a wonderful day! Products running low and need a refill? Reorder today!To order:
Online: Click to shop IMPAPER Wholesale
Faire: Click to shop IMPAPER on Faire
Catalog: Click here to view our latest catalog
Order Form: Download order form---
Other Resources:
Product Listing Images
Extras (displays & signage)
Swap Out Program: Any slow movers you'd like to exchange? Your success is our success, let us know!If you need assistance such as recommendations or have any concerns, issues, feedback, or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out; we'd be happy to help.
P.S. This is an automated email that we send so our apologies if we’ve been in touch recently :)
Unsubscribe please :)On Tue, May 16, 2023 at 12:00 PM IMPAPER <> wrote:Hello there!
We hope you're having a wonderful day! Products running low and need a refill? Reorder today!To order:
Online: Click to shop IMPAPER Wholesale
Faire: Click to shop IMPAPER on Faire
Catalog: Click here to view our latest catalog
Order Form: Download order form---
Other Resources:
Product Listing Images
Extras (displays & signage)
Swap Out Program: Any slow movers you'd like to exchange? Your success is our success, let us know!If you need assistance such as recommendations or have any concerns, issues, feedback, or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out; we'd be happy to help.
P.S. This is an automated email that we send so our apologies if we’ve been in touch recently :)--Nicole Babinc: 416-568-1173w: 416-479-4363TOKEN777 Queen Street EastToronto, ON M4M 1H5Instagram: tokentoronto
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