Re: [EncouragingWomen.ORG] Comment: "HTBB: Principle #2 “Running Over and Spilling Over”"

to RMI Headquarters
This is shaping up into a lovely book or booklet For years I thought the Lord wanted to punish me, but I was so wrong. After all these years, I understand that the pain I went through was a necessary
This is shaping up into a lovely book or booklet

For years I thought the Lord wanted to punish me, but I was so wrong. After all these years, I understand that the pain I went through was a necessary wash and using everything for good.

I must admit I hated waiting and sometimes waiting is still difficult for me, but with His grace He helps me to wait and when I look back it was in my waiting time that I learned something. Trials have definitely changed, today I can say I am grateful for all the trials, I would not be here today, if it were not for the trials that our Beloved Lord allowed in my life.

I am grateful that my Dearest Father loves me so much, to let me grow and that I am no longer where I was years ago, but that He is not finished with me yet.

On Wed, Jan 8, 2025 at 11:13 AM Janine Saaiman MTR 🇿🇦💖 <> wrote:
New comment on your post "HTBB: Principle #2 “Running Over and Spilling Over”"
Author: Janine Saaiman MTR 🇿🇦💖 (IP address:,
Wow ons kosbare Liefling Here wil ons seën, dis Sy natuur en hierdie feit moet ons onthou. Vir jare het ek gedink die Here wil my straf, maar ek was so verkeerd. Na al die jare verstaan ek dat my smart waardeur ek was, nodig was.

Ek moet erken ek het dit gehaat om te gewag en soms is wag nog vir my moeilik, maar met Sy genade help Hy my om te wag en as ek terug kyk was dit juis in my wagtyd wat ek iets geleer het. Beproewings het my defnitief verander, vandag kan ek sê ek is dankbaar vir al die beproewinge, ek sou nie vandag hier gewees het, as dit nie vir die beproewinge was wat ons Liefling Here in my lewe toegelaat het nie.

Ek is dankbaar dat my Liefste Vader my so lief het, om my te laat groei en dat ek nie meer is waar ek jare gelede was nie, maar dat Hy nog nie klaar is met my nie.

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