What did you do?

Andrew TateSun, Jul 9, 5:33 AM
to donoconn2@gmail.com
What did you accomplish today? If you want to ever become someone exceptional, the answer should be extremely obvious to you. You've spent your waking hours today doing SOMETHING. So ask yourself,

What did you accomplish today?

If you want to ever become someone exceptional, the answer should be extremely obvious to you.

You've spent your waking hours today doing SOMETHING.

So ask yourself,

Were the actions purposeful?

Did you get stronger?


Learned something which will help you accomplish your goals?

I think back to all the time I spent in my 20s training and fighting.

6 hours every single day. It’s all I did.

And I smile.

6 hours a day, 6 days a week for 10 years.

Almost 20,000 hours.

Tell me what you did with those EXACT SAME 20k hours.

Oh? You don’t remember?

Exactly. Nothing.

I retired from fighting for one reason only. 

I decided if I put that same time and energy into making money, I’d find a way to become filthy rich.

I decided if I put that same time and energy into changing the world, I would change the world.

Understand something:

It’s truly amazing what you can achieve if you stop being a lazy fuck and acted purposefully.

When was the last time you were laser-focused on accomplishing a single goal, like a dog to a bone?

When was the last time you gave the goal EVERYTHING you had?

It’s been a while, hasn’t it...


My life is a testament to the power of focused aggression and self-confidence.

From never thinking “I’ll do it tomorrow”.

Constant action forces the universe to comply.

World champion. Millionaire. One of the most influential men in the world.

If you don't know what you want in life,

Work to become rich and strong while you figure it out.

Don't know what to do to get rich and strong?

Sign up for the AI Marketing Bootcamp and learn the future of business while following Hustler’s University’s health and fitness program.

You have 6 days left until we launch and all spots are limited.



- Tate